Children leave an imPRINT on Sachsen Fahnen
March 2025
"Oh, how joyfully" – a cozy end to the year 2024
December 2024
Informations, test driving & questions – Bike Leasing Day
October 2024
Brezn Gaudi at Sachsen Fahnen
September 2024
DOSB Sports Badge Tour 2024 stops in Kamenz
September 2024
Sachsen Fahnen – premium sponsor for Kamenz's city anniversary
June 2024
Next year Kamenz celebrates its 800th anniversary and we are proud to be a premium sponsor. The sponsorship agreement was signed by our CEO at the Kamenz Town Hall. The year 2025 is particularly significant for Sachsen Fahnen because next year, in addition to the 800 years of Kamenz, we will also celebrate our 35th anniversary.
Look inside! – Open business week
March 2024
FOGRA – Color Management Symposium 2024
February 2024
The Research Institute of the Printing and Media Industry (Fogra) holds a meeting every second year with experts from the printing industry to share their knowledge in lectures. This year, our print expert Jens Deutschmann had the honour to talk a little about the challenges in textile printing: Blog post “Fogra – Color Management Symposium 2024”
An apple a day – Health week
February 2024
For a whole week our focus was on everyones health. With the help of Barmer (health insurance company) we were able to offer our employees a body substance analysis, balance checks and fascia training. Meanwhile MYGYM Prime fitness centre Kamenz organized workplace gymnastics and a power walk during lunch break. After this successful week, we start the new year fit and vital.
Merry Christmas everyone
December 2023
At the end of the year all employees gathered in the festively decorated cafeteria. After a brief speech by the CEO, reflecting on the past year, an exciting tombola with 7 main winners followed. The tables were abundant with German stollen, cookies and a gift for each employee. After the official part, the Christmas party moved outside, where everyone enjoyed the cozy get-together with bratwurst and hot drinks.
BrauBeviale – Sachsen Fahnen in Nuremberg
November 2023
The international trade fair for the beverage industry in Nuremberg has once again attracted numerous visitors this year. We were also there as exhibitors at the BrauBeviale. At our booth, visitors were able to discover the diverse range of products and new releases from Sachsen Fahnen. Valuable contacts were made and exciting impressions were gathered over the three days of the trade fair.
Pizza party
November 2023
Lunch break with a twist. The scent of pizza was in the air! To mix things up, a pizza party was organized for all colleagues during one of our lunch breaks. The pizzas were baked by our hard-working pizza crew and even the management team. The result? Absolutely delicious! All employees enjoyed it and went back to work feeling recharged afterwards. The whole team is already looking forward to the next highlight!
Highland Games at the summer party
September 2023
Prove teamwork and achieve victory! That was the motto of this year’s summer festival. During the Highland Games, which included archery, sack tossing, and tug-of-war, everything was at stake and yet nothing was. Because the focus was on having fun. Additionally, our organizing team provided live music, a raffle, children’s entertainment and delicious culinary offerings for a joyful atmosphere. This was a fitting farewell to summer.
Kick-Off into training year 2023
August 2023
Shortly before the start of the new training year our kick-off event took place. Our new trainees were warmly welcomed by the management on this day and then gained their first impressions during a tour of the company. Once again, numerous new young faces in the commercial, graphic and IT sectors as well as in production and shipping will start their future at Sachsen Fahnen this year.
Like ice in the sunshine
August 2023
As a token of appreciation and a refreshing break from the summer heat our management recently surprised everyone with an ice cream truck. This allowed everyone to take a moment to catch their breath and chat with colleagues from other departments before returning to work with renewed motivation.
Kamenzer word sculpture unveiled
June 2023
800 years of celebration don’t happen every day! On the occasion of Kamenz’s city anniversary in 2025, the word sculptures „800 Jahre Kamenz“ were ceremoniously unveiled on June 21. We are proud to have supported our hometown with fabric banners as covering material as a sponsor. For all the curious: the handmade human-sized three-dimensional letters & numbers made of wood now have a permanent location in front of the „Red Tower“ on Pulsnitzer Street.
SCHAU-REIN! – Experience day at Sachsen Fahnen
March 2023
During the „SCHAU REIN“ („look inside“) action week some curious students and their parents learned about the training opportunities at Sachsen Fahnen. They also had the chance to get to know our company during a tour led by our apprentices, hopefully making future decisions easier.
EuroShop trade fair – Sachsen Fahnen in Düsseldorf
February 2023
Summer party 2022
September 2022
On a sunny day in September our management invited all employees and their families to our company’s summer party on site. The weather and mood couldn’t have been better. Delicious grilled dishes were provided for everyone and even the little guests had a great time on the bouncy castle, shooting at the goal wall and going for a pony ride.
Change of generations in management
June 2022
They went to the US together during their studies, now 15 years later they have returned to Germany. After founding their own company there, Susanne and Marcel Ruhland will continue what was built in Kamenz as the next generation. Motivated and with a positive outlook on the future, they have been ensuring that Sachsen Fahnen continues to develop steadily since this year.